A message from Zambia Number 1
9th January 2014
I have almost been here a week and I am beginning to see something of God plan for me here. I am having to get used to a slower pace of life and not being able to just sit and rest I have been out and about exploring part of the village shopping street and market . On Sunday afternoon there was a football match by the local under 18’s team against another team, the won, but the whole community was out to support, this little girl kept distracting me from seeing the goals. Church was from 8.30am – 11.30 and included communion which they have on the first Sunday. The Reverend Manda went to Lusaka so another reverend came to take the service. I gave them a greeting from Wimbledon.
Today I have lead my first devotions at the orphans and vulnerable children’s project for the staff. I have been in there most days and helped with preparing the vitamin supplement and giving out food. I have the chance to lead the Children’s devotions tomorrow, may be difficult with no local language? I seem to be down for a lot of devotions and maybe doing some in the hospital Chapel too.
There is a home visiting programme, which agrees what children will come to the project and I think I will be helping to get this more organised and they would like to do more parent education about Child care . I may be doing so sessions with the Children counsellors, but we will see.
I have a house to share with to share with the American who is overseeing the new Church building. It is called the farm house, next to the farm. I have to watch I don’t stand in cow mess and they done eat me washing. I have running water and an electric cooker, fridge and have had constant electric so far. The man is away till mid Feb I am told , but I am sharing with a 4 legged creature, I think a mouse , a lizard and a few cockroaches , but once tucked up under my mosquito net at night I am fine.
The mortuary is just near me backing on to the farm and they seem to have wakes there, with singing and crying. This is then near to the old people home and I have visited a few times and always greeted with eagerness by some of the older people s who have no families. I went with the Reverend Manda on morning as they had a young resident who has some mental health issues and we helped her to the hospital. She is now doing better, but this is to be a stepping stone back to her community.
I welcome your prayers as I go into another week with more clarity about me role here. Tomorrow I go to visit the chief, who I did meet at church on Sunday. If you have any questions then do send them >
God Bless Nigel