About us
- We are Christians, believing in God our Father who created us, in His Son, Jesus Christ who saves us and in the Holy Spirit who guides us.
- We worship as a group of equal Christians meeting together to pray, hear the scriptures, study and reflect on the Christian message and often to sing.
- We belong to an Independent tradition, without hierarchy, which in Britain dates back to the mid-sixteenth century but some would say describes how the early Christians related to one another.
- This means without a hierarchy in our church, the members have equal voting rights on all decisions affecting the life and work of the church, we believe by seeking the mind of Christ.
- All are welcome to attend our services.
- We are open to hear the views of others.
- Those of us who become church members do so by profession of faith in Jesus Christ as Saviour and Lord.
- However, we do not sign up to a written creed.
- Members promise to meet together regularly, to study the bible and pray and to give as appropriate of time, resources and money to contribute to the life of the church.
- We celebrate the sacraments of the Lord’s Supper and Baptism.
- We hope to find fulfilment here in living a Christian life of fellowship and service.
- We take our authority and inspiration from the Christian Bible used by most churches.